
Some Deep Shhhh…

‘Some friendships are so strong they even transcend a lifetime.’ I remember hearing this when I was watching the cartoon Avatar The Last Airbender, a year ago and I found it to be such a powerful line. As it was just so deep and profounding and I have always believed everything happens for a reason and that everyone has a purpose when entering your life and exiting your life, that is bigger than we can understand.

Now I understand that quote more than ever, as I realized that I have had individuals who came into my life and caused pain, hurt and humiliation. However, without that experience, I would not be unable to find that one person who I connected to on a spiritual level. And when I speak of spiritual, I don’t mean religion, I mean it’s like we have known each other for years and the energy between the two of us is so magnetic.

So it begs to question and I know it might sound crazy but are there reincarnated soul, spirits or soulmates? I believe strongly in soulmates and upon writing this I discovered that ‘reincarnated soulmates’ are those so strongly bonded that they choose to unite as a couple repeatedly and have shared many lives and experiences. Now that’s a deep kind of bond and it can occur between friends, parents or lovers.

And when you think about it, sometimes you meet someone and I think everyone has had somewhat of an experience, where you meet someone and instantly there is a connection. Now you may say yeah , that has happened to me and it ended up shitty or that friendship is over but little do we know that, that person was some kind of cosmic tool, used to either teach us a lesson that would be better off learnt that way than a much harder way or just there to guide us on our path.

I don’t know if others have thought about that also, however it is really interesting when you think about it.

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