
The type of love we dream of…..

I make sure to remind you how beautiful you are everyday,

Not with your looks but with the words you say.

Your heart is so pure and your eyes a beautiful shade of brown .

Your voice makes me feel at peace even when a thunderstorm hovers around.

You tell me I am beautiful when I say I’m fat, you hug my curves and tell me ‘I’ve got your back.’

My scars you kiss and my tears you wipe, not with cloth but with the words you say.

You called me strong when I was weak and made me see that I could fight,

You made me realize all these things when I was at my lowest in life.

You turned my anger into love and my darkness into light.

You never changed me but you opened my mind.

I thought I was broken but to you I was complete.

Writing this poem got me crying a bit because when I think of you I know the universe answered my wish.


– Bri

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