Weight loss

Saltwater flush experience

In starting my weight loss journey it has been difficult to use the restroom, so I was a bit constipated for a couple days . I did my research looking for experts on the matter ‘ so I consulted YOUTUBE’ lol and I saw the different teas and different methods they used.

The 3 ballerina tea came up alot and I have used it before and trust me it WORKS, but the last time I used I promised myself if I made it out alive I would never use it again.

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I had used it several times prior my last use, however I don’t know if I left it in too long or if I had so much waste, but I could not go anywhere that day. It also has been difficult for me to find, mostly Chinese supermarkets had it and now I can’t seem to find it.

So when I saw several people trying the saltwater flush I was a bit intrigued to see if it would work. They mentioned that it cleans the colon and removes excess water. So yesterday, I went to the healthy store and bought NON-IODIZED salt, the only option I had was the Evolution brand, so I picked the smallest pack. It is on Amazon also , so check it out.

The steps were very easy to follow :

  1. Take 2 teaspoons of non-iodized sea-salt (such as Pink Himalayan sea salt) in one quart (four cups) of warm water.
  2. Add lemon juice to improve the taste, if desired. ( I did not add lemon)
  3. Drink the mixture as quickly as possible on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning or 3 hours after last meal.

The effects took up to 30 min to an hour. And trust me it is hard to go down, harder than I thought , if you ever went to the beach and had a bit of salt water in your month it is like that but 100% more salty. I only drank half of it and it still worked. It did let me use the restroom four times, and was effective after an hour. However to me it released a lot more water than waste, so I can recommend it for that. Next time I do the flush though I will weigh myself and take my measurements, unfortunately this time I did not do that.

After drinking it I felt nasty and just layed there for a while until it started working.

Tip is drink it as fast as possible.

Image result for gif drink fast

And also make sure the temperature is right because it is more effective to drink it fast.

Here are some benefits if you have no idea about the pink Himalayan salt.

Thanks for reading.

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