Weight loss

14 days strong …. Weight loss journey

June 14, 2019

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On starting my weight loss journey I had a lot of doubt in myself and I still do up to this point.

On my first day I felt like to give up no lie. I even bought a black forest cake. Cause I was like fuck this. On the second day however I was like ‘you can’t give up.’ And I just made it a new day and continued exercising.

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It is a proud feeling however to be consistent and push myself even on days when I am tired and exhausted.

And although there are moments when I am fearful I will revert to my old eating habits, I still try to be positive and I use that fear to work for me, I say to myself ‘ you are fearful because you know what you were doing was wrong and if you go down that path again, you might end up like one of those people on my 600 lb life.’

I know sounds like a bit of an exaggeration but it is not, I am 22 years old , 5ft 6inches and I weigh 242 lbs. The last time I remember weighing myself I think I was 16 or 17 and I was 190 lbs. I mean with the way I was eating, burger king for breakfast and kfc ( sometimes two orders) for dinner I know I was on the verge of being 350 lbs by the end of the year.

Although it has been 14 days I have seen and felt a change in my body and the way my clothes fit. A person just looking on me cannot really see that there has been change, but all that matters, is that I feel better within myself. My goal for the second week was just to go under 240 lbs (my starting weight being 242 lbs) even if it was weighing in at 239.9 lbs and keep my calorie intake low.

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Since I actually measured myself on the beginning of the second week and not when I just started I am not sure if I lost weight in my first week. I did not put an unrealistic goal to say I will lose 10 lbs in a week, because I would be highly disappointed. Also I did not starve myself I ate healthy food and exercised twice a day , sometimes once depends on how my body felt. Also key note, know your body. That’s very important.

Week 2

Weight lbs/kg

Start weight – 242 lbs or 109.7 kg

Weight end of week- 239.6 lbs or 108.6 kg



Before 41 inches After 41 inches


Before 45 inches After 43 inches


Before 48 inches After 47 inches

I will not lie I feel a bit discouraged the last 2 days to exercise because my fan is messed up, but I will stop making excuses and go at it tonight.

Hopefully next week update some inches will go too, because I have been consistent with my healthy eating.

Thanks for reading guys, I encourage you to comment and like.

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