Weight loss

Exercises I do at home … Including pictures and YouTube links

Being a full time student , a gym membership is not an option. Home workouts can be boring at time, the key is mixing it up so that you don’t bored. Here are a couple workouts I do to help with my weightloss.
I compiled a couple of my favorite exercise routines in a playlist , which is a mixture of dancing, kickboxing, cardio and arm workout . Some of them are 40 minute long, typically when I can’t do a complete workout , I do one half in the morning and try my best to do the other half in the night before bed.

One special Youtube channel that I find really helpful is Roberta’s gym , videos are  uploaded  everyday and they have a wide range of material. I try my best to keep up with the workouts on the channel, as they are very intense. 

Sometimes however when I am not in the mood to follow an instructional video or a workout sheet , I just dance randomly from 30 mins to sometimes up to two hours. As long as you are moving around that is all that matters.



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