
Mirror, Mirror

You remember when you cried when you looked in the mirror,

You picked up your phone and called your life support,your lifeline and you told him you hated yourself because you are hideous.

Your lifeline, your one true love told you, you were magnificent but it did not matter until you believed it yourself.

Your self esteem was damaged from an early age as you were taught to care about what the world had to say,

Your family always teased about how fat you were and eventually it didn’t matter as long as you were considered cute or beautiful.

You ate and ate , the most unhealthy things, until you looked in the mirror and realized you were becoming morbidly obese,

Your swollen face, your arms huge and your belly round like a blown up balloon.

You exercise and eat healthy but still wonder why you hate what you see,

Now you need to look in the mirror and realize no matter what size you are , you are a Queen.

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