

I hate your smile and when you try to hold my hand,

I hate when you say my name with bated breath after you just threw all your things in the van.

I remember when our arguments had meaning and wasn’t just about meaningless sex , and pointless screaming.

Why are we together if all we do is go to bed anger. Aren’t we just both sleeping with the enemy?

This is toxic, you are toxic , we are toxic.

Our toxicity has clouded our lives , this room and of sight , of what truly matters which at some point was each other.

Our laughs are rare and we don’t even cry anymore when each other is in pain.

We do shouting matches and whoever gets the neighbours to call the police first is the champion.

That’s what we have become , that couple that argues in the street about whose opinion matters most,

I’ve lost me trying beat you, in a hopeless battle that we have both continuously lost.

I must make a witch brew , so that I can cut ties from you.


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