Weight loss

Weight Loss Journey April- May 2021 journey

My weight loss journey officially began in 2019. During that time, I was able to lose weight, and even after I stopped, I kept it off. Even though I had lost some weight, I still wasn’t satisfied with my weight and was still obese. I began again in 2021, but when I was exercising, it was on and off again. I did Part 1 of my Weight Loss Journey (January–February 2021), where I discussed my journey during that period. 

I wanted my part 2 to also have pictures from Twinbody; however, the app is down, and I will be taking some pictures from my Instagram, ‘@lets.lose50lbs‘.

Throwback to June 20,2019
This was taken on March 27, 2021. Thought I would add it since it was so close to April and I don’t remember what my start weight was in April.


In April, I decided to start alternate day fasting. I downloaded the Zero Calorie app, which allowed me to monitor my fasting. If you are unaware of what alternate day fasting is, ADF (alternate-day fasting) is a type of intermittent fasting. The main concept is that you fast one day and eat whatever you want the following day. I started off slow with 8 hours, then 16 hours, and increased until I was to do ADF, then 48 hours. I only drank water and black coffee until my fast was finished.

I also maintained my exercise routine while fasting. Before I started my ADF, I did my research and watched several Youtube videos, especially Dr. Eric Berg’s DC channel, which provided vital information for beginning my process.

March 27 – 183.4 lbs

April 26 – 180.4 lbs

April 30 – 179 lbs


In May, along with alternate-day fasting, I decided to start a challenge, and after looking on Pinterest for several ideas, I saw a jump rope challenge, which was started on May 9th. Eight days later, I decided to add another challenge. The jump rope challenge was extremely effective for me. At first, it was about getting the number of jumps in, then I started learning different tricks and techniques.

I didn’t even start with a jump rope. I used an old extension cord, the thick orange ones, and used it until it tore open. After it tore, it took me a while before I got a weighted skipping rope, which is why I initially stopped that challenge. However, I picked up weight lifting, and when I finally purchased the rope, I incorporated it into my exercise routine.

May 1 – 179 lbs

June 8 – 168.6 lbs

The combination of jump rope and alternate-day fasting really allowed me to lose around 10 lbs.

I started my jump rope challenge on May 9, 2021
May 24,2021
June 8, 2021

Fasting history from Zero calorie app April 26 – May 7
Fasting history from Zero calorie app May 9-16

My next post will focus on where I am now as it relates to my weight, what I will do, and what my goals are.

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