Weight loss

June is Coming to an End | Weightloss Journey Chronicles with Pictures

Ideally, I wanted to post weekly updates as to what workouts I have been doing each day and a daily or weekly weigh-in, but that is unrealistic. I have been consistent for 4-5 days a week, but it’s time-consuming to compile everything. So let me just show below what I did for some parts of June. Which is typically what I really do most days. However, I do post on my weight-loss Instagram page.

This weeks update June 5 -9

Here we are another week and I did go to the gym . So here is the run down for this week.

June 5, 2023

Tuesday| June 6,2023

15 June 2023, 05:56 a.m

Treadmill Routine

I start each day with a stretch, then I warm up with 30 minutes or more on the treadmill, typically on an incline of 12 and speed 3. However, now I have been playing around a bit by switching to a 13-incline 3 speed or a 12-incline 3.6 or 4 speed and sometimes going a bit longer than 30 minutes, as I do a 1-minute warm-up on 0 speed. Sometimes I even go over an hour or do two hours in a day.

Exercise Routine

I have isolated different body areas for each day I workout, so shoulders, arms, legs , back, and buttocks, with two days of full body, which I do on arm and shoulder days. After reviewing, I think I will add full-body on Saturday as well, which is butt day.

Sunday – Shoulder

Monday – Legs

Thursday – Arms

Friday – Back

Saturday – Butt

What was my Goal for June ?

At the beginning of June, I had an unrealistic goal of losing 10 lbs, as I had before in what I have come to learn were somewhat unhealthy ways, which probably caused an unhealthy relationship with food. I mean, yes, I was doing intermediate fasting, but I became obsessive and binged a lot, which was not the best method.

Around the 2nd week of June, I decided that I would increase my protein intake, eat fewer cakes and pastries, cut out rice as the main staple, drink as much water as I can and also try to make this a sustainable lifestyle. I am eating until my stomach is full, and guess what? I seem to be losing weight slowly, but nonetheless, I am.

I try to set a goal in regards to what I would like my weight to be at the end of the month. Based on my change of perspective in the 2nd week, I aimed for 173 lbs. Keep in mind that I was starting this journey again between 179 and 178 lbs as my weight has been fluctuating. Yesterday, June 28, 2023, my weight was 173.8 lbs; this morning, June 29, 2023, it was 174.6 lbs. I am really trying not to focus on 0.8 lbs differences anymore, but I haven’t gotten there yet. Keep in mind that this is my weight while eating breakfast and lunch now with lots of fruits, mostly pineapples and bananas, and salted peanuts. Before, I was trying to eat literally only one meal. I emphasize this, as it is possible to lose weight without starving.

I am not bashing intermediate fasting, as there are different ways it can be done. I chose to do it the way I did eventually because I wanted to see more results after I plateaued or because I stopped exercising and didn’t want to gain weight. I would like to imply it now by having a cutoff time as to when I eat, but it will take time.

Wednesday, 28 June 2023 at 5:33 AM

What have I have been eating

Even though I mentioned that I have been eating ‘lots of fruits, mostly pineapples and bananas, and salted peanuts’, I want to also add pictures and a bit of advice for lazy people like myself when it comes to cooking. I used to purchase most of the meals I ate; now I start cooking on my own. I try to use short cuts as much as possible, so I buy seasoned meats instead of seasoning them on my own. I mostly purchase seasoned curry chicken, stew chicken, sometimes french fry chicken, meatballs, and liver and kidney. I really enjoy the liver and kidney lately; I think it’s my favorite meat now. Especially since I found out there nutritional content. Being that I am from the Caribbean these meat options or ways it is seasoned is my go to.

Here are some general nutritional facts:

  1. Liver:

    • Excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin B12, and iron.
    • High in protein and low in fat.
    • Contains essential nutrients such as copper, folate, and vitamin K.
    • Rich in several B-vitamins, including riboflavin and niacin.
  2. Kidney:

    • Good source of protein, iron, and B-vitamins.
    • Contains important minerals like selenium and zinc.
    • High in cholesterol, so it should be consumed in moderation.
    • Kidney has a distinct flavor that appeals to some and may not be enjoyed by others.

Some pictures of meals I have prepared for June:

Fried plantain and eggs
Brown Stew Chicken and pak choy
Curry chicken, cabbage , carrot , callaloo and a banana
Brown stew chicken, cucumber and carrot
Papaya, pineapple, banana
Sweet and sour chicken, potato salad and salad
Curry chicken, liver and pak choy
The packaged seasoned meat

Even though I mostly cook, there are times I am on the go, so I find healthy options, I got these in June as well.

Smoothie with papaya, bananaand lasco
Smoothie with mostly banana, protein powder, papaya

Peanut Porridge, this taste so good at this point it’s a cheat meal

Then there are days I indulge a bit not binge but satisfy a craving because this is a lifestyle and, remember, I have to be realistic. I heard something from a podcast where Sal Di Stefano said that he buys stuff in serving sizes, and I thought that was smart.

I typically buy two servings of pastries, a pack, or a biscuit that is four servings, and to be honest, I ate them in one sitting. And now that I am more aware of what calories per serving mean, I see why I was gaining weight when I used to eat anything I wanted and why I wasn’t losing weight when I wanted.

For July, I would say the goal is to be at least 168 lbs, which would be the weight I was when I stopped exercising. This week, based on the fact that I want to lose 3 inches off my waist, I am aiming for 24 lbs, which is overall what I am aiming for in this journey. So that would be 155 lbs. Some muscle is also the goal.

Let’s see how this journey goes.

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