

Who are you? Answer that, you know you don’t have to change you, to be cool. You bend your mind and betray your soul, for what? To be another fool? You expose your body, not because you want to but because you want to please. But please who? The masses that would probably like the… Continue reading Be YOU!

Love, Poems, Valentines' Day Poetry Challenge


Time passes so quickly, it feels like a lifetime within a day, I can't believe it is almost 2 years since you made my life a fairytale. I remember the first time you told me you loved me, That feels like yesterday. I remembered when I laughed and said 'that's a silly thing to say.'… Continue reading Time….

Love, Poems, Valentines' Day Poetry Challenge

Soul mate?

A soulmate, what the fuck is that? It sounds like bullshit until you have actually found the one The person that takes your breath away, just by the silly things they say. I know it sounds pathetic and a bit of a cliche. He knows how to make you laugh when you want to be… Continue reading Soul mate?


The type of love we dream of…..

I make sure to remind you how beautiful you are everyday, Not with your looks but with the words you say. Your heart is so pure and your eyes a beautiful shade of brown . Your voice makes me feel at peace even when a thunderstorm hovers around. You tell me I am beautiful when… Continue reading The type of love we dream of…..