Love, Poems, Valentines' Day Poetry Challenge


Time passes so quickly, it feels like a lifetime within a day, I can't believe it is almost 2 years since you made my life a fairytale. I remember the first time you told me you loved me, That feels like yesterday. I remembered when I laughed and said 'that's a silly thing to say.'… Continue reading Time….

Love, Poems

My Light At the End …

You are my light at the end of the tunnel on the darkest day,You make me feel at peace after a long day. I forget about the bad when you are around, your presence illuminates my life like the sky on the fourth of July. You make me laugh on my worst day, and always… Continue reading My Light At the End …

Valentines' Day Poetry Challenge


The bullet that was for me I caught it, You tried to ruin me? But I dodged it. You wanted to degrade me, tear me down, I almost lost it. You caused me pain, you caused me shame, then you aimed. And this pain is constant, the bullet I caught, but what you left behind… Continue reading Bullet….

Love, Poems, Valentines' Day Poetry Challenge

Where the fuck is cupid?

Cupid, cupid where are you? When will you help me find my one true boo, I have been waiting for so fucking long but all I seem to get are jerks and scumbags. All I want is respect, is that too much to ask? I want foot rubs and bubble baths. Someone who at least… Continue reading Where the fuck is cupid?


Great Valentine’s Day Idea (for your woman)

It's that time of the year, where you show your appreciation. Here is a couple of gift idea for women. Tomorrow will be on gift ideas for men, so follow and keep posted. WOMEN For tangible gifts perfumes, cards and lingerie can work. Intangible gift ideas romantic gesture, dinner and travel. Perfume & Lotion Victoria… Continue reading Great Valentine’s Day Idea (for your woman)

Love, Poems, Valentines' Day Poetry Challenge

What Valentine’s Is About…

All Valentine's is about is getting gifts from your spouse, and showing off to the lonely crowd. Taking pictures at fancy restaurants and showing chocolate covered strawberries on Instagram. Is it still about love? Or is it about showing off the 30 minutes you spend with the one you 'love'? Do you show that appreciation… Continue reading What Valentine’s Is About…

Love, Poems, Valentines' Day Poetry Challenge

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

This inner conflict is hard to put at rest, the left side of my brain is saying no and the right side is saying yes. I can understand that I should think logically, however, I can't stop imagining what we could be. I can understand why the right hemisphere of my brain says yes, just… Continue reading Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Valentines' Day Poetry Challenge

Hello February..👋

How quick the New Year's came and before you know it the time is flying away. It is now the month of romance and chocolate and fancy dinners overseeing the ocean. The month of love is upon us , now make reservations and plan your toast, As I know there will be plenty proposals. Love… Continue reading Hello February..👋

Valentines' Day Poetry Challenge

Sick of this shit…

Screaming, yelling, another broken glass, Lamp on the floor and pictures smashed against the wall. I swirl my wine glass and smoke my cigarette, thinking about how we got here again, it all started one day and it just continued from there. Curse words and fist in the wall, constant fistfights, love doesn't live here… Continue reading Sick of this shit…