Weight loss

June is Coming to an End | Weightloss Journey Chronicles with Pictures

Ideally, I wanted to post weekly updates as to what workouts I have been doing each day and a daily or weekly weigh-in, but that is unrealistic. I have been consistent for 4-5 days a week, but it's time-consuming to compile everything. So let me just show below what I did for some parts of… Continue reading June is Coming to an End | Weightloss Journey Chronicles with Pictures

Weight loss

Discounted Amazon Finds -Fitness Edition

As you are all aware, I am on a fitness journey. I also enjoy saving money, being well-prepared, and having things close at hand so that I am less likely to fall back on bad habits. I found some great deals, and full disclosure all the links in this post are affiliate links. Nevertheless, I have… Continue reading Discounted Amazon Finds -Fitness Edition

Weight loss

Okay Time to Start Over Again with 12-3-30

So my last weight loss post was on February 13, 2022, about a 20-day jump rope challenge. I actually found in my draft that I was actually keeping track up until day 3, but I believe I did follow through. I posted the drafted version that was more than a year ago, entitled 20 Day… Continue reading Okay Time to Start Over Again with 12-3-30

Weight loss

Apps and Sites I use for my weight loss journey

Twinbody is an amazing community that offers motivation, tips and a support system for those who want to maintain , lose or gain weight. It has amazing features. One of which is your ability to search for people within your age, gender , starting weight and weight goals etc which is really great , if… Continue reading Apps and Sites I use for my weight loss journey

Weight loss

Reflection on how I gained so much weight- my weight loss journey

June 15,2019 Today is one of the day where I just feel like a big blob, even though I have lost 3 lbs in a week. I feel down because most of my clothes do not fit or are too tight. Some of my pant have literally torn and busted out on me. Sometimes when… Continue reading Reflection on how I gained so much weight- my weight loss journey